

私は、実証的な手法により、その「場所」の物語や歴史、自然科学的現象を詳らかにするのではなく、それらを視覚的に受けとめ、それぞれの物語性の濃淡や生成された時代の差異を越えて再配置することで、「地獄」とは別の「解釈(ヴァージョン version)」を示し、「場所」の見方に拡がりを持たせようと試みた。

These photographs were taken in places all over Japan that are referred to as “Hell”, which have formed through crustal deformation due to phenomena such as volcanic activities.
These places acquired their "reading" as “Hell” from stories and legends, and this greatly influenced people’s religious beliefs and perspectives about life and death.
Although it could also be a generic metaphor for the scientific phenomena of volcanic plumes and hydrothermal vents, the figuration of these locations as “places” has, through various stories, foregrounded the “reading” of them as “Hell”.

However, I believe that a “place” acquires multiple meanings and “readings” through the experiences of different people from various times and contexts.
Rather than use empirical methods to disclose the stories, histories and natural phenomena of the “places”, I attempted to transcend differences in their narratives or the eras in which they were created, instead grasping them visually and relocating them, in order to present a “reading (version)” other than “Hell”, and hold onto an expanded perspective.

Installation view at  NIKON SALON  GINZA 2020